celebrities updating their Instagram accounts -
Been here,
been there, did this, did that -
For the
benefit of their legions of adoring fans
Were some
of my Facebook friends
Who by the
way were mere mortals like you and me
really made me wonder:
Did I
really need Facebook friends such as them
Who were
surely better off hobnobbing with English lords and ladies
having tea together in a picturesque English garden
Instead of
reminding me of how bourgeois my boring existence was
With their
city-hopping hotel-swapping Facebook status updates?
Oh, but of
course, that's what the 'unfollow' button is for:
To remain
Facebook friends with flamboyant socialite types,
To quote
an example,
having the intimate details of their flamboyant lives
shoved in front of your face
Every time
you logged in to update your own status
With yet
another boring selfie of you and your beloved partner / kid / dog / cat /
And so on.
Now, why
didn't I think of that?
saved all the fuss, or venom, spewed out here.